I’m a Best Damn Race Ambassador, and what this means for YOU! or: “I’m burnin’ aviation fuel, my foot’s to the floor…”

blgBestDamnRaceAmbassadorWell this feels so gosh darn… adult. And I mean that in a “grown up, mature” way, and definitely NOT in a “trying to unscramble a late-night cable signal in 1983 using a bunch of analog knobs as to get a hint of naughty bits” sort of way. Gauche, really.

Moving on… Over the past few years, Best Damn Race has acquired something of a very popular reputation among runners in Florida. Surely with a title as self-aggrandizing as “Best Damn Race”, it surely must offer something beyond the ordinary, correct?

Indeed they do… and what BDR has is an ethos! How many races can lay claim to an ethos? Ethoses are hard to come by these days… and for the record, ‘ethoses’ is street-legal as a plural to ‘ethos’. I could also have gone with ‘ethe’ or ‘ethea’… but those are kind of gauche, really.

But what kind of ethos are we talking here? Their tagline is A Race For Runners, By Runners. Simply put, BDR provides big-ticket race experiences that go toe-to-toe with the big-name races out there, replete with all the swag, bling, and complimentary accouterments, all the while keeping costs at local event prices.

Or to quote the website:

Best Damn Race ® is a running series created for runners by runners. Our goal is to provide a big race experience at a local race price. It doesn’t matter if you are an elite runner, first timer, walker, or using a baby jogger, we want you to have the best DAMN race experience.

Our unique registration process allows all participants the opportunity to register for as little as $1. This gives all athletes an opportunity to race regardless of income level. For example, each non-challenge race starts out with $1 (for the first 10 participants to register), $5 (for participants 11-20), $10 (for participants 21-30), $15 (for participants 31-40).

Amenities & Bling! Our philosophy is “RUN, EAT, DRINK, PARTY”

But I’m not hakn a tshaynik with you, my fine, erudite, and insanely good-looking readership (I’ve met lots of you people. I know!). Nor would I associate with this (or any) event if I hadn’t previously experienced Best Damn Race on my own… which I did in Orlando last February, 28th 2015. Go ahead and click that link and check out my review. I wasn’t associated with BDR then, so I had no vested interest or other ulterior motives, other than entertaining you guys, gaining some readership, and finally getting enough Google ad revenue to buy lunch at the local Blaze Pizza. Soon… (seriously, Blaze is damn good. ZOMG!)

I think I felt pretty goshdarn triumphant at the end:


Quick! See if you can spot BOOTS in this picture!

I registered somewhat late for this Half Marathon… and ended up paying a grand total of FIFTY BUCKS for it. Seriously. Fifty whole dollars. That’s almost a third of the cost of your average Run Disney 5K.

But that fifty bucks not only got me a bib, but a really well-designed, world-class race medal, a tech t-shirt (no cotton here!), free food, beer, and massages after the race, and FREE RACE PHOTOS at the Finish Line. Plus a post-race party atmosphere, including that PR bell which has my name on it. Soon…

Best Damn Race features 5Ks, 10K, Half Marathons, and Marathons, as well as Challenges that offer bonus bling and rewards for return participants. For example, if you run 10 BDR races, you gain a free entry to your next one.

So here’s what this means for you:


Hokeyblog is offering our readers $5 off their race registration to any race at any BDR event this season. When you register, be sure to use the coupon code HOKEYRUN to get your discount. Here’s a list of events this season for you to check out:

I’m planning to be at two of those events, at the very least. So if you spot me you’re guaranteed a high-five, as well as a shout-out and photo here at Hokeyblog! Huzzah!

So anyway, head over to Best Damn Race and don’t forget to use that awesome coupon code HOKEYRUN. It’s good for what ails ya! Anyway, if anyone has any questions, comments, or vegan recipes for schmaltz and gribenes, fire away at the comments section below or shoot me an email via the CONTACT ME page. And here of course is the video:

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