2022 Best Damn Race Discount Code!

Discount code HOKEYRUN is up and running for the 2022 season! Head on over to BestDamnRace.com and use coupon code HOKEYRUN to save 10% on their already low registration fees! This is the coupon code you’re looking for! Greetings and salutations, Holkyfolks! Your pal is back with a quick rundown of the 2022 Best Damn…

2021 Best Damn Race Discount Code!

Discount code HOKEYRUN is good for the 2021 season Head on over to BestDamnRace.com and use coupon code HOKEYRUN to save $5 on their already low registration fees! This is the coupon code you’re looking for! Howdy, Holkyfolks! Your pal is back with a quick rundown of the 2021 Best Damn Race Season, and why we here at…

Race Review: 2019 Best Damn Race Jacksonville Half Marathon (1/12/2019), or: “Drop dead beauties stompin’ up a storm…”

The holidays. Holy Hannah Haberdashery and Her Henpicked Hasbro Huckleberries, the FREAKIN holidays. Welcome to our first race review of 2019, the 2019 Best Damn Race Jacksonville Half Marathon, in which our intrepid narrator — which I guess is me, and I’m really going to stop talking in the third person here — spins an…

2019 Best Damn Race Discount Code!

Discount code HOKEYRUN is good for the 2019 season Head on over to BestDamnRace.com and use coupon code HOKEYRUN to save $5 on their already low registration fees! Hey all you fine folk hanging out and about in downtown Hokeyville. Your intrepid narrator is back with a quick rundown of the 2019 Best Damn Race Season, and why we here at…

Race Review: 2017 Best Damn Race Orlando Half Marathon (3/4/2017), or: “Keep your head still, I’ll be your thrill…”

So I returned to Orlando on the weekend of March 4th, 2017, to run the 2017 Best Damn Race Orlando Half Marathon, but I wasn’t all too enthused about it. And believe you me, it had NOTHING to do with the race itself. To put it bluntly: I’ve been having a pretty weak running season,…

Race Review: 2016 Best Damn Race Safety Harbor Half Marathon (2/6/2016), or: “T’aint no big thing to wait for the bell to ring…”

The Sub-2 Half Marathon. For us steadfast middle-of-the-pack runners, the Sub-2 Half represents a significant Holy Grail. It’s the golden ring on the carousel. The Pick of Destiny. The Maltese Falcon (except not a fake). Detective Comics #27. Hank Mobley’s 1957 Blue Note 1568 LP in mint condition. And a whole bunch of other metaphors…

I’m a Best Damn Race Ambassador, and what this means for YOU! or: “I’m burnin’ aviation fuel, my foot’s to the floor…”

Well this feels so gosh darn… adult. And I mean that in a “grown up, mature” way, and definitely NOT in a “trying to unscramble a late-night cable signal in 1983 using a bunch of analog knobs as to get a hint of naughty bits” sort of way. Gauche, really. Moving on… Over the past…

Race Review: 2015 Best Damn Race Orlando Half Marathon (2/28/2015), or: “In and around the lake…”

For awhile now, I have been really itching to check out the Best Damn Race events. They presented an overall ethos which I can absolutely stand behind… and they also provided me the opportunity to use the word ‘ethos’ in a race review, for which I will eternally be grateful. Anyway, the BDR organization is…