Race Review: 2018 Dopey Challenge at the Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend (1/3 – 1/7/2018), or: “I’m just glad to be here, happy to be alive…”

OK. The 2018 Dopey Challenge at the Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend. Let’s do this! . . . OK, yes. The Dopey Challenge was over a month and a half ago at the time of this publication, and yes I’ve slacked big time. So now that we’ve established and acknowledged that, and not shown a…

Race Review: 2017 Walt Disney World Marathon (1/8/2017), or: “Sky blue flight on a cold wind to Valhalla…”

I’ve wanted to run a COLD marathon since like forever, man. And by cold, I mean “Cold to someone who has lived in South Florida” for 90% of his existence, and the entirety of his formative years and most of his adult life. I want the Ice Age experience, and by that I mean something…

Running the 2017 Walt Disney World Marathon, or: “If the shoe fits I want you to wear it…”

And we’re back. January is a pretty nifty time around all points Hokeyblog, and I’m not talking about any of that “New Year, New Me” idiocy. Everyone is pretty much the same nozzle they were weeks ago, and we (you, me, everyone reading these words) are no different. Except we’re much better looking. Cheers to…

Race Review: 2016 Star Wars Dark Side Half Marathon (4/17/2016), or: “The boys are thirsty in Atlanta, and there’s beer in Texarkana…”

The Inaugural 2016 Star Wars Dark Side Half Marathon! You know, as I started writing this race review, I came to the sudden realization that over three weeks have passed since the event, and only now have I begun to collect my thoughts about it. I think that’s a record delay for me, which means…

Race Review: 2016 Star Wars Dark Side 10K (4/16/2016), or: “The pleasant notion of miraculous change…”

The Inaugural 2016 Star Wars Dark Side 10K! There are a lot of exclamation point opportunities in that preceding… exclamation, but I’ll curtail my exclamatory tendencies to just a single pinpoint punctuarial proclivity. What an utterly strange way to start a race review… hrmph. Anyway so here we are in April of 2016, at the…

Race Review: 2016 Star Wars Half Marathon (1/17/2016), or: “The heavens unfold, a new star is born…”

Longtime runners might understand this, but sometimes you can tell exactly how your race will go within the first five- to ten-minutes. And that’s basically how and when I first realized I was not going to PR at the 2016 Star Wars Half Marathon. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves… The Star Wars Half…

Race Review: 2016 Star Wars 10K (1/16/2016), or: “Chasing shadows, moonlight mystery…”

When it comes to Run Disney races, I’ve always preferred the West Coast races at Disneyland to the East Coast races at Walt Disney World, mostly for three reasons: 1) They’re significantly less crowded, 2) The weather is much more comfortable for running, and 3) The courses (especially the 5K and 10K races) give you…

Race Review: 2016 Walt Disney World Marathon (1/10/2016), or: “Because where we’re goin’ there ain’t no stoppin’…”

Hi gang! The following race review was brought to you by our latest guest-reviewer at Hokeyblog, Steve. Steve hails all the way from the wacky wistful wilds of The Left Coast, he enjoys long walks on the beach, painting lurid sunsets, analyzing linguistic practices of those who opt-out of Myers-Briggs examinations, zestful morning showers, cuts…

The 2016 Walt Disney World Marathon is a go, or: “I can see it in your face and it shows in your eyes…”

So uh… hi there. Happy New Year. If you’re into that sort of thing. Let’s just jump into things and get right to it. New year, new upfrontedness, new making up words, etc. Anyway, remember when I said I was skipping out on this year’s Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend? Yeah yeah, mea maxima culpa…

Race Review: 2015 Disney Wine & Dine Half Marathon (11/7/2015), or: “All of the creatures in the swampland had woke up to feed for the night…”

Well this was one for the record books… The 2015 Disney Wine & Dine Half Marathon held special promise to those runners who, like your humble narrator, ran the 2014 Wine & Dine Half to something of a disappointment. You can go check out my review, but in a nutshell it was like this: everything…