2015 On The Run and #RunWithAusten, or: “Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings…”

I’m not going to shy away from it; I’ve had an absolutely horrible week. It started with me getting a ridiculously horrible flu that knocked me flat on my ass for three days. And that was the good part. Just as I was starting to get back on the mend, the universe sucker-punched me right…

My Chicago Marathon Training Directives, or: “You’re backseat driving and your hands ain’t on the wheel…”

So at the risk at sounding a wee bit solipsistic, I’m sure the $64,000 Question on your mind right now is, “How’s your Chicago Marathon training going, Hokeydude?” If you recall from last April, I was a wee bit overjoyed upon learning that I got a lottery entrance into the 2015 Chicago Marathon — my first…

Race Review: 2015 Swim Miami (4/19/2015), or: “The heart, the brain, the body will give you three…”

Well this is a first for our blog: a “race review” that has nothing to do with running, but still is tagged under the “Running” umbrella. Have I mentioned one of my many professional functions is that of an information architect? You never woulda thunkit, huh? Sheesh… Anyway, let’s move on from that frankly frivolous admission and…