2022 Best Damn Race Discount Code!

Discount code HOKEYRUN is up and running for the 2022 season! Head on over to BestDamnRace.com and use coupon code HOKEYRUN to save 10% on their already low registration fees! This is the coupon code you’re looking for! Greetings and salutations, Holkyfolks! Your pal is back with a quick rundown of the 2022 Best Damn…

2021 Best Damn Race Discount Code!

Discount code HOKEYRUN is good for the 2021 season Head on over to BestDamnRace.com and use coupon code HOKEYRUN to save $5 on their already low registration fees! This is the coupon code you’re looking for! Howdy, Holkyfolks! Your pal is back with a quick rundown of the 2021 Best Damn Race Season, and why we here at…

2020 Best Damn Race Discount Code!

Discount code HOKEYRUN is good for the 2020 season Head on over to BestDamnRace.com and use coupon code HOKEYRUN to save $5 on their already low registration fees! You want a race coupon code? You got one! Greetings again to all you fine folk hanging out and about in downtown Hokeyville. Your intrepid narrator is back with a…

2019 Best Damn Race Discount Code!

Discount code HOKEYRUN is good for the 2019 season Head on over to BestDamnRace.com and use coupon code HOKEYRUN to save $5 on their already low registration fees! Hey all you fine folk hanging out and about in downtown Hokeyville. Your intrepid narrator is back with a quick rundown of the 2019 Best Damn Race Season, and why we here at…

Race Review: 2018 Dopey Challenge at the Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend (1/3 – 1/7/2018), or: “I’m just glad to be here, happy to be alive…”

OK. The 2018 Dopey Challenge at the Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend. Let’s do this! . . . OK, yes. The Dopey Challenge was over a month and a half ago at the time of this publication, and yes I’ve slacked big time. So now that we’ve established and acknowledged that, and not shown a…

Race Review: 2017 Rotary Club of Weston “Run For Tomorrow” Half Marathon (12/10/2017), or “Dry your eyes, we’re gonna see skies of blue…”

You know what I love even more than a local, low-key, fast, flat, and fun half-marathon? A local, low-key, fast, flat, and fun half-marathon in perfect running conditions. And we assuredly got that the morning of the 2017 Rotary Club of Weston “Run For Tomorrow” Half Marathon. OK that title is a mouthful, and because…

Race Review: 2017 Reebok Ragnar South Beach (11/11-11/12/2017), or: “It ran one step ahead as we followed in the dance…”

Any relay race is going to be a challenge. I mean, look at it empirically: you’re going to be travelling in a van for two days with five other people, all stinky and messy, driving around like mad, managing your body aches and fuel intake and sleep schedules, keeping all the race rules in mind,…

Preparing for the 2017 Ragnar South Beach Relay, or: “I know it sounds sordid, but you’ll be rewarded…”

On the weekend of November 10-12, 2017, eleven other teammates and I ran the 2017 Ragnar South Beach Relay and, being the long-winded blowhard that I am, wrote a massively bloated blog post about it. And it was way too freakin’ long… I was over 2,000 words before I even got to the Race itself.…

Race Review: 2017 Big Sur International Marathon (4/30/2017), or: “Secluded in the canyon, lost within a turn of fate…”

“So here’s the deal, Hokeydude. Are you in any way interested in running what could be THE most beautiful marathon on the planet? Oh and by the by, it will also be one of the most trying, challenging, and arduous courses you will ever run? They’ve got strawberries…” The things we do for fruit… The…