Buttkickin’ Halloween Songs: “Bring Your Daughter To The Slaughter” — Bruce Dickinson (1989)

Honey, it’s getting close to midnightAnd all the myths are still in townTrue love and lipstick on your linenBite the pillow, make no soundIf there’s some living to be doneBefore your life becomes your tombYou’d better know that I’m the oneUnchain your back doorInvite me around… For fuck’s sake, Bruce… Avoiding the prosaic introduction, let’s…

Buttkickin’ Halloween Songs: “Hallowed Be Thy Name” — Iron Maiden (1982)

The Sands of Time for Halloween have run low. And with those last few grains of October come the end of yet another year of Buttkickin’ Halloween Songs. And this makes us at Hokeyblog very, very sad. But it’s one been (pardon the overuse) one BUTTKICKIN’ year for us. We got to feature more songs…

Yet another midflight update post, or: “In the name of God my father I fly…”

So ahh… yes. I’m on my way back from six fun-filled nights in sunny, beautiful, humidity-free Southern California. Naturally there will be a host of updates, reviews, recaps, pics, and the like to come over the next few days. Huzzah! In the meantime, here’s my annual tradition that absolutely nobody asked for: pictures from midflight,…