Well it can’t ALL be buttkickin’ Halloween songs all the time, can it?
So I suppose the running season begins for me (and many others in South Florida) with the 2013 Miami Beach Halloween Half Marathon, and I can’t wait to run it tomorrow (Saturday 10/26/2013). Weather conditions look pretty decent. It’s been a bit cooler and less muggy lately, what with that cold front passing through lately. While it’s still going to be warm, it won’t be a gnarly humid mess. The race starts at Parrot Jungle Island and ends up around South Pointe Park, after traversing Ocean, Collins, Lincoln Road, etc. Fun times.
My running plan is pretty straightforward. I’ve been doing 10:1 interval training since August, and instead of going for time/speed, I’m joining the rest of the my running group in viewing this race as a 13.1 mile training run. Slow and easy is the order of the day. Plus there was a last minute course change, so it looks like we’re running for a mile on sand, in two half-mile increments. Lovely. It was an unavoidable situation, thanks to the d-bags at the City of Miami Beach. There’s a reason why I despise going there. So there’s pretty much no way I could PR, even if I wanted to. Which I don’t.
But we plan on having a good time anyhow. Going in costume. As a bumblebee. Or something. I’m not much of a running-in-costume guy, so I didn’t give it that much thought. Since our group color is yellow, it makes sense. So tomorrow is a 13.1 mile “fun” training run in preparation for the Fort Lauderdale 13.1 in two weeks. That one will be the real effort. I PR’ed there last year… how will I do this time around? Hmm…. here’s the video: