The first Innsmouth Rowing Club team picture, or: “All the fools who lead their foolish lives may find it quite explosive…”

We’re running Tough Mudder Miami this upcoming Saturday, March 2nd… we being myself and 5 other members of our intrepid IT department. This is going to be a wondrous disaster. I can’t wait.

In the meantime, here are our first team pictures (minus Carlos W, who works in our Tampa office and will be coming down this weekend).

Dignity... always dignity.

Dignity… always dignity.

And from the back:

Buns of steel, men of kleenex?

Buns of steel, men of kleenex?

Our individual call-signs are as follows:

David I. — “Witz”
Matthew M. — “Hokeyboy”
Carlos C. — “Long John”
Aaron S. — “Trayfe”
Nik W. — “Nike”
Carlos W. — “The Commish”

On Saturday we prove our Alpha Male-ness to the entire universe!! God help us all… here’s the video:

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