Bringing the dialectical LULEZ…

Yes, I’ve been rather silent lately. When I started this blog, I insisting upon making it a habit never to update just for the sake of updating. Not that my life has been entirely dedicated to ho-hummery over the past two weeks or so, but that “hey, dig me!”-expressive urge has been rather limp, what that insufferable blowhard Geoff Tate was shrieking about in that overplayed 90s hit “Silent Flacidity”. Or something.

I actually have a bigger update coming up later today (which will be typed out on my brand new Chrismukkah gift to myself! If it gets here before end of business…) but for now I wanted to share with you a real-life photo taken at the casino last year by my awesomely awesome friend and coworker Kate. I came across it today while scouring the work PC for files to hide from the next audit.

It brings the lulz! With Pfizer-like rigidity!

And Queensryche blows.


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