Is my B-DOUBLE-O-T-Y worth Three Grand, or: “How could I leave this behind…”

Hi gang. Here’s yet another one of those apropos of nothing moments… Last fall, for no discernible purpose whatsoever, I registered the domain name “”. It was one of those random, silly spur-of-the-moment… moments. A coworker had come in one morning, sat down at his desk, and rather randomly said “Big Booty Time dot net…”…

Bringing the dialectical LULEZ…

Yes, I’ve been rather silent lately. When I started this blog, I insisting upon making it a habit never to update just for the sake of updating. Not that my life has been entirely dedicated to ho-hummery over the past two weeks or so, but that “hey, dig me!”-expressive urge has been rather limp, what…