Just when I’m weaning myself off Run Disney…

… they go ahead and pull THIS on me:


YES I’m going to the Star Wars Half Marathon Weekend at Disneyland in Anaheim in January, 2016.

YES I said I was ramping down on the Disney races to focus on other race adventures.

YES this is going to be overpriced and overcrowded and, when you factor in travel and hotels and merchandise, there goes my last surviving kidney.


See you in April. Dammit dammit dammit dammit… *bangs head into desk with each dammit*

Here’s the freakin’ video. We had this album when I was 7. I never listened to the other “Galactic Funk” though:

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2 thoughts on “Just when I’m weaning myself off Run Disney…

  1. I know, I felt the same way! Next year was going to be for non disney running adventures. It’s like they knew this and are deliberately tempting me. But I’m going to try to stay strong 🙂

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