Some helpful career notes for the Ambitious Snitch


Gold is not your color by any stretch.

A standard disclaimer here:

This post is not necessarily a reflection upon any individual — previously, currently, or soon-to-be employed/contracted by any employer or client with which I am now or have previously been associated, at any time, ever.

So pump your breaks, rube.

That said…

Here are four things to remember if one ever considers throwing other coworkers and/or former friends under the bus in order to further their own pitifully anemic career potential:

1) Not many people will like you.

2) Extremely few people will respect you.

3) Nobody will trust you.

Those could possibly be the three most damning traits of any potential manager. And finally…

4) EVERYONE WILL FIND OUT. Throughout the entire organization. Guaranteed.

Everything rises or sinks to its own level.

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