So I’ll be running the A1A Half Marathon this Sunday, starting in downtown Fort Lauderdale and heading straight down to and alongside the Atlantic Ocean in Fort Lauderdale Beach. I ran this race last year and loved it, so I’m planning on loving it again this year. Would I like to PR this one? I mean, sure, but if I don’t I won’t stress too much. I just hope to do better than last year (2:12) and if I can, that’ll be vunderbar! Otherwise, it’s just a good excuse to go out there and hit the Sunday morning asphalt in style.
And speaking of style: check out the weather forecast!
I would have KILLED for this kind of climate last month in Orlando!
Anyway, race review to follow soon. This will be the first race since the IT band/knee issue flared up, so I’m curious as to how I’ll hold up. A test run for Tough Mudder, I suppose. Did I also mention I’m switching the DC run in March from a Full to a Half? I think one Full Marathon a season is a much more realistic (and less stressful) plan. Halves are more fun anyhow. Run and done in just around 2 hours and change. Plus you can still work a flight of stairs after. The last thing I want to do is struggle walking up the steps of the Lincoln Memorial because my legs refuse to function after doing 26.2 miles that morning. Feh. Here’s the video:
Ok, honestly…how did you get the date and the comment link above your post? I’ve been trying to figure out how to do that on my blog for like, A WEEK.
Ok, now that I’m over that. Good luck at your race! I have a half next weekend and I was like, really weather? THIS weekend you decide to be nice? Eff you. Eff you, weather!” Then I threw my fists to the sky.
I think 2 marathons in one season isn’t a bad idea, as long as they aren’t more than 6 weeks apart. Keeping up those long runs for a few months longer after doing your first is TOUGH. So good call on switching to the half.
I have a friend running A1A and she tried to get me to join but it’s just a bit too far of a drive for me. I’d need to get a hotel and all, and I’m already doing that for next week’s race.
Rest those little leggies and PR the hell outta that race!
Holy crap, I think I found it. Why don’t I read all the way through sentences?
Oh, also…thank you SO much for changing your GReader headings to the full post! Sooooo much better.
Glad you figured it out 🙂 I’ll be honest with you, when it comes to formatting I’m just bouncing my way along with this thing. When I first started the blog, I was way too micromanaging every last little detail, and it stopped being fun 🙁 So now when it comes to the blog, I’m just “Dancing Through Life” like that doofus from Wicked. Did I just make a lavish Broadway musical reference? Ho boy…
Although I too was annoyed with my RSS. That wasn’t fixable for like FOREVER. It *still* says HokeyblogHokeyblog for some annoying reason. *pounds face into face*
Anyway, thanks for the good luck and back atcha for Gasparilla. I checked next weekend’s forecast and MAN that stinks! Basically what it was for Marathon weekend last month. I swear to Zarathustra, this Florida winter has been REALLY capricious. Even for Florida. Warm, then cold, then HOT, then humid, then rainy, then hot again, a smidgeon of nice, then blah. At least it’ll be nice for the next few days. And Gasparilla’s a Half, right? At least you’ll be done long before the weather gets particularly nasty.
I just wasn’t feeling the Full in DC. My knee issues notwithstanding (they’re fine now but not ideal), getting out there and pulling the 18, 20, 22 miles run, I couldn’t muster the energy. I related to your last blog about motivation. So maybe I’m wimping out, but let’s face it: Halfs are a LOT more fun than Fulls. Just enough distance to make it a challenge and to take it seriously, but not enough to turn it into this life-consuming commitment. I can barely choose between sugar-free and NON-sugar-free vanilla for my soy latte, how am I gonna do two marathons in 60 days?
Especially when there’s so much awesome TV to watch? But I doubt you can relate to *that*…
Check the place where you put your blog name. Maybe it’s duplicated there and that’s why you’re getting that for your RSS feed.
Why you have to be reminding me about the weather next weekend like that? There’s still time for it to change. I don’t think I heard about this weekend’s cool front until Tue or Wed so it can happen! Come ON snowmageddon. Throw me a bone. Or a snowball.
I definitely cannot relate to TV watching. Nope. Not me.