Album Review: “Madman Across The Water” — Elton John (1971)

Elton John’s Madman Across The Water was released in early November of 1971, arriving in stores barely a year after his acclaimed 1970 masterpiece Tumbleweed Connection. Sir Elton was always nothing short of an absolute workhorse; he would continue his “album a year” pattern for a good long while afterward. This of course begged the…

Training for a Marathon over the Summer, or: “On seeing my reflection I’m looking slightly rough…”

Yes! More self-absorbed runner talk! Who’da thunkit coming from this blog? How excited are you to read all about my summer training pro– Well anyway… I get that this isn’t the most exciting and entertaining of subjects to my non-running audience… if I even have one. I’m not quite sure that it’s even of interest…

Album Review: “Tumbleweed Connection” — Elton John (1970)

Elton John’s late 1970 release Tumbleweed Connection represents his second album of the year, dropping a scant six months after his breakthrough self-titled album made him a household name in the US. While the earlier album felt more like an early 70s “singer-songwriter” effort, generating three top-40 singles (including the smash “Your Song”), Tumbleweed Connection…

A postscript regarding my Wings For Life World Run race review, or: “The day, it will abide…”

Hi gang. I’ve been getting a lot of nice feedback from many people in regards to my 2014 Wings For Life World Run (Sunrise, FL) review. This event touched a lot of people and I’m entirely gratified to know I did some small part in getting the word out and encouraging people to get involved throughout…

Race Review: The Color Run (Fort Lauderdale — 5/10/2014), or: “Even Rocky had a montage…”

Let’s talk about runs, for a moment. More specifically: Fun runs. Color runs. Neon runs. Dye runs. “Get yourself filthy!” runs. “Holy crap my armpits are still blue!” runs. “Have ridiculously goofy fun with your buddies until you wanna puke from a Goofy Fun Overdose and even THAT is still kinda fun because everything is…

Race Review: 2014 Wings For Life World Run (Sunrise, FL — 5/4/2014), or: “Fly along with me, I can’t quite make it alone…”

Here’s a touch of personal back story to give this race review what nine out of ten fictitious bloggers call “The Hook” — something to reel you in. As usual, this is a bit of self-indulgence that adds little except for some local flavor to the proceedings. Anyway, back when I used to play football…