Training for a Marathon over the Summer, or: “On seeing my reflection I’m looking slightly rough…”

Yes! More self-absorbed runner talk! Who’da thunkit coming from this blog? How excited are you to read all about my summer training pro– Well anyway… I get that this isn’t the most exciting and entertaining of subjects to my non-running audience… if I even have one. I’m not quite sure that it’s even of interest…

My fundraising project for the CCFA and why I’ll run in a tutu for it, or: “Seems that I was busy doing something close 2 nothing…”

Well I’ve been talking about it for a few months, so enough yakkin’ already. Here’s where I start my attempt at doing a tangible bit of good. I’ve started a fundraising page; you can find it at My goal is to raise $5,000 to benefit the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America by February…

My weekend — Miles, Monsters, Lulz, and Legends, or: “Here I am with eight more lives…”

A quick weekend recap of what was a pretty goshdarn swell time! 1. FRIDAY I’M IN LOVE (with not having to wake up early on Saturday) I decided to do my “Long Run” on Friday night — June 21, 2013. Summer solstice. Longest day of the year. I must have been out of my mind.…

Pimpin’ my sister’s Women’s Sexual Health blog, or: “And this old world is a new world and a bold world, for me…”

Hi gang. Normally I would be regaling the four or five you haven’t haven’t stumbled upon my blog looking for suggestive Top Gun pictures with whatever Kinks album or pedantic running tale has tickled my fancy for the day. Well, right now we’re having none of that. OK I’ve been kvelling over the brand-new Wings Over America remaster, but that’s…

How I resolved my IT band / runner’s knee issues, or: “Come easy, go easy, all right until the rising sun”…

Hello again! Good to see ya! OK so when we last met, I detailed the issues I was having with my Illiotibial Band. Specifically how this dreaded affliction of inflamed tissue running down my left side was causing enough knee pain to sideline me from running for the short-term, possibly longer. How Dr. Dad gave…

Sidelined with Iliotibial band syndrome and Dove bars, or: “We don’t move in any ‘ticular direction…”

Welcome to the latest episode of “What’s Ailing Hokeyboy Lately?”, where we discover the *second* IBS I’ve come across in this lifetime, although this one involves a lot less technicolor yawning… So just when I got over the shin splints from last month, I noticed a new particularity that came about a week-and-a-half ago. After…