Buttkickin’ Halloween Songs: “The Zoo” — The Scorpions (1979)

It’s not over.

It can’t be over.

No way.

But alas kids, here we are, smack dab on All Hallows Eve, the culmination of the entire month of October. Hell, for some (your intrepid narrator included), the culmination of many months of anticipation and celebration. And as such, we celebrate Halloween and another fine season of Buttkickin’ Halloween Songs.

We’ve been doing this online since 2013, which makes 2019 our seventh year of growing our Halloween playlist. And lookie lookie! Not a single cliched song to be found. No Ghostbusters theme, no Thriller, no Werewolves of London, and certainly no Monster Mash.

I hope you, all of you reading these words, all of you who took the time to listen to these tunes and evaluate them for your own Halloween celebration, that you got as much enjoyment from discovering (or re-discovering) these spooky songs as I had sharing them. A lot of these songs were new to me as well. I loved finding these long-lost nuggets of awesomeness in the quantum folds of the Intertubes.

And speaking of this year? We hit a freakin’ RECORD! That’s right, we added TWENTY-FOUR songs to our playlist this year, beating last year’s record by… exactly one. But a win is still a win, and we’ll take it gladly and with a modicum of humility. But just a modicum, because that’s how we roll.

So my dear Hokeyfolk, get out there and take on the night. Enjoy the tricks, treats, spooks, scares, dark shadows and creepy monsters, sinister spirits and goofy goblins all. Watch some scary movies, put on your best costumes, bust out your inner demon, drink and revel and dance and live up to the supernatural awesomeness within all of you.

Have the most Buttkickin’ Halloween ever.


PS: Enjoy The Zoo. Makes for some great karaoke. Trust me.

The job is done and I go out
Another boring day
I leave it all behind me now
So many worlds away

I meet my girl, she’s dressed to kill
And all we gonna do
Is walk around to catch the thrill
On streets we call the zoo

We eat the night, we drink the time
Make our dreams come true
And hungry eyes are passing by
On streets we call the zoo

We eat the night, we drink the time
Make our dreams come true
And hungry eyes are passing by
On streets we call the zoo

Enjoy the zoo
And walk down 42nd street
You wanna be excited too
And you will feel the heat

We eat the night, we drink the time
Make our dreams come true
And hungry eyes are passing by
On streets we call the zoo

We eat the night, we drink the time
Make our dreams come true
And hungry eyes are passing by
On streets we call the zoo

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