Come on, monsters! You don’t have to cry, we can be happy!
Well things were looking a bit dark there, weren’t they? So let’s lighten the mood a bit with some patented Halloween lighthearted fun, courtesy of R.E.M. and the Muppet Rockers from Sesame Street. Taking inspiration from their much loathed 1991 hit Shiny Happy People, the indie rock legends have done a bit of reworking alongside the Behemoths of Public Television.
The end result? Furry Happy Monsters.
I don’t need to talk this one up one iota more. Click that video below and off you go. Even creatures of the night have mood swings.
Furry sobbing monsters feeling sad
Furry sobbing monsters feeling sad
Furry sobbing monsters crying
Furry happy monsters feeling glad
Furry happy monsters feeling glad
Furry happy monsters laughing…