First of all, don’t panic. Hokeyblog isn’t going anywhere. As a matter of fact, it’s never been stronger in terms of page views and visibility, so I think the whole Hokey-BRAND is moving along rather swimmingly! Although I wonder if anyone was actually panicking after reading that headline. I mean, other than my weepy Aunt Bunny…
Well never mind frankly fictitious morose maternal-types, because here’s the exciting news (to someone!): I’ve recently started blogging for our running group Friends In Training. Currently titled Rhapsody In Yellow, you can find it by clicking here or by going to
This is my second season with FIT and quite frankly they’re stuck with my pushy, loudmouthed, will-he-EVER-shut-up nosiness, so the least I could do was volunteer some of my blogging expertise and gee-whiz know-how. Although it’s tailored as sort of a FIT “Social Club” for members, it’s an open blog and will be covering lots of running- and race-related topics. I’ll still be doing my race reviews, gear reviews, training plans, and other stuff here, of course. Plus I promised Marcela I would keep things family-friendly at the group blog, so I can unleash my inherently unnecessary potty-mouth over here, if required.
While we’re on the topic of running groups… I honestly never thought I needed one. I spent my first twenty months of running doing it as a solo job; either on a treadmill or outside, I’d plug my earphones in and go, using my time alone as an opportunity for contemplation and general mind-wandering. But when I decided to run my first full marathon last year, I realized I needed some positive reinforcement while out there pounding away at the mileage. A good running group is entirely beneficial for such an endeavor. Sometimes those long miles can get a little boring, a little lonely, and a whole lot of repetitive. Having people out there with you is a good way to keep that motivation strong. Not to mention a huge wellspring of shared knowledge that is passed back and forth between each other, as well as having friends to kibbitz with before (and after) training runs and races.
I love saying kibbitz…
So if you’re thinking about joining a running group, I highly recommend it. Even if you’re a pushy loudmouth like me, you’ll most likely find them welcoming and accommodating of all types of runners, from absolute novices to elites. Give it a shot. And check out Rhapsody In Yellow if you’re so inclined. Thanks, and here’s the totally cheeseball video: