It wasn’t “rape” rape…

Why are some of these Ultra Conservatives so dead-set hardcore on redefining “rape”? As if “rape” is some nebulously derived concept, recently ripped from George Soros’s hard drive and used to secretly fund Planned Parenthood or something. Are they totally fucking high? Are they indulging their inner fears and hatred of women? Are they actively…

Pardon my French, but…

Egypt erupted into civil conflict as Mubarak cracked down on his people and all we heard from the “rebels” was ‘Where is the world? Where is America??’ Same with Libya and Ghadafi. ‘Why isn’t America helping??’ Then at the first opportunity these animals storm our embassy and slaughter our citizens. FUCK THESE PEOPLE. Syria can…

CNN: Certainly Not News…

So CNN just broadcast a segment explaining to clueless Americans how “Sikhs are not Muslims”. The implications inherent to this admission are staggering. Mind boggling. Forget the generalization that Americans are ignorant, ill-educated simpletons — which, let’s face it, is a point that practically argues itself — but even more chilling is the subtle notion…