Noshing In Wonderland #6: Flying Fish Cafe, or: “All that night and all the next, swam without looking back…”

The Flying Fish Cafe, located at the Boardwalk Resort in Walt Disney World, is categorized (by Disney) as a “signature” dining experience, which means everything is priced with an even more outrageous mark-up than Disney is used to getting away with. That’s to be expected, of course, but the even bigger question remains “Is it…

Noshing In Wonderland #4: The 2013 Epcot International Food & Wine Festival, or: “Before you know it, we’ll be down to our last dime…”

Or yet another episode of “This Is Why I Run”… In what’s become a celebrated annual tradition for Ziggy-Piggy Foodies at Walt Disney World, Epcot presents their International Food and Wine Festival every fall. Between late September 27th and November 11th of this year, a virtual whirlwind of culinary activity takes over WDW’s second theme…