Buttkickin’ Halloween Songs: “After Dark” — Tito & Tarantula (1996)

fromdusktilldawnIs it already over? šŸ™

Well here we are, Halloween. It’s roughly about 5:45 PM on October 31st, and Boots and I are slowly lounging around in preparation for heading out later tonight, for drinks and dinner and costumes and karaoke and Halloween fun.Ā 

And here I am, lamenting that I won’t be able to showcase more great spooky songs until next year.

I think we had a good group ofĀ Buttkickin’ Halloween SongsĀ for 2015, and I still didn’t get to so many of them that I wanted to share. But at least we have a fine foundation for 2016.

So until next year my spooktacular Hokeyfolk… have a most wickedly terrifyingly awesome Halloween. I leave with you with the song that got Salma Hayek to dance around in a leather bikini with an albino boa wrapped around that luscious bod. God blessĀ From Dusk Till Dawn.Ā 

Love, Hokeydude

Watching her
Strolling in the night
So white
Wondering why
It’s only After Dark

In her eyes
A distant fire light
burns bright
Wondering why
It’s only After Dark

I find myself in her room
Feel the fever of my doom
Falling falling through the floor
I’m knocking on the Devil’s door

In the Dawn

I wake up to find
her gone
And a note says
Only After Dark

Burning burningĀ 
in the flame
Now I know herĀ secret name
You can tear her temple down
But she’ll be backĀ and rule again

In my heart

A deep and dark
and lonely part
Wants her and
waits for After Dark

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