My fundraising project for the CCFA and why I’ll run in a tutu for it, or: “Seems that I was busy doing something close 2 nothing…”

blgccfa2Well I’ve been talking about it for a few months, so enough yakkin’ already. Here’s where I start my attempt at doing a tangible bit of good.

I’ve started a fundraising page; you can find it at My goal is to raise $5,000 to benefit the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America by February 23, 2014. That date, rather non-coincidentally, coincides with the 2014 Disney Princess Half Marathon, held annually at Walt Disney World. I’m already registered to run this race, and this time I want to do it for a solid purpose.

So what happens if you can help me can raise $5,000 for the CCFA?

1) We’ll help fund the treatment of, research into, and eventual discovery of a cure for Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis. And that, in and of itself, is a Really Good Thing.

2) I’m committed to this cause, and to show how deep my commitment goes: if I hit my $5,000 goal, I pledge to run the entire Princess Marathon in FULL FAIRY GODMOTHER ATTIRE. That means a tutu, at the very least. Most likely a tiara. Maybe wings. Possibly a wand.

3) I plan on expressing my thanks to each and every person who donates to my fundraiser by dedicating one (or more!) of the race’s 13 miles to them. As such, I will be capturing the event on video and reading off a list of donors at every Mile Marker, dedicating that mile to them. I might even sing. Maybe.

4) If I go BEYOND my $5,000 goal… I might do all of the above, but dressed in HOT PINK!

It sounds all like a bit of silly fun, and by all accounts it will be! But Crohn’s and Colitis is serious stuff. Many of you have read about my flare-ups, diagnosis, and subsequent UC diagnosis last summer. I was blessed insomuch that my case of ulcerative colitis is, by objective standards, fairly mild. I need to continually take my meds and monitor my situation, but I can basically live my life normally with some occasional discomfort. But too many others aren’t quite so lucky. Many need surgery, injections, prednisone treatments (and all the horrible side-effects that accompany steroid immuno-suppressants), and are often unable to leave the house for weeks or even months on end. Or longer. Not being able to go to work, socialize with friends, spend time with family… you literally become a slave to your own symptoms.

It is estimated that over 1.4 million Americans are affected by an Inflammatory Bowel Disease. There’s no one standard cause for an Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Even worse, right now there is no cure for Crohn’s or Colitis (save for the complete removal of the colon), which makes this kind of fundraising so important right now. So I beg your indulgence at this time: if you’ve been reading Hokeyblog for awhile now or are a new reader, or even just came across this blog for the first time, if I’ve given you even the slightest modicum of enjoyment, please consider donating to help support the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America. Any amount is welcome, no pledge is too small, and every last bit is appreciated. And even better, if you can, please spread the word! There are Share links on my fundraising page that will spread awareness over Facebook, Twitter, and Email.

The link again is:

Well that’s all I have right now… I promise to update often on our progress. Thank you all in advance! Here’s the Fundraising Kick-off video:

Prince – Raspberry Beret by DemonPreyer

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